Lectures de France: French books for all


La fiancée du désert.

SKU: 9782092512166
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Summary / Résumé:

Rome January 1941. Sara Di Cordillo is 16. She is an orphan and lives with her uncle. He has decided to marry her to a man she does not love. Sara decides to escape Italy and go live with her grand father in the Southern desert of Lybia. Her travel across the Sahara will be long and harsh...

LDF Notes: A great collection which offers a wide variety of themes and titles.

Rome, janvier 1941. La belle Sara Di Cordillo, 16 ans, orpheline, vit avec son oncle. Ce dernier projette de la marier de force. Mais Sara se rebelle et décide de rejoindre son grand-père dans le sud de la Lybie. Pour la jeune aristocrate commence un voyage dur et long à travers le Sahara... .

Notes LDF: Une collection simple qui traite de sujets très variés.

Author: Jean-Marie Defossey
Editor: Nathan
Collection: Nathan Poche 13+   More Titles for Teens -

Description: Soft Cover - 192 pages - 4.5 x 7"

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