- All Categories -
- - All Categories -
- Textbooks
- ..Coll. Alizé - Leveled ReadersPearson ERPI
- ..Coll. SAISON - Didier FLE
- Books for Children
- ..0 - 5 yrs. pre-readers.
- ....Books to read with an adult
- ....Learning in French
- ......Imagerie des tout-petits **NEW**
- ......Facile à Lire
- ....Games and Other
- ..6 - 7 yrs. beginning readers
- ....True Beginners - 1 or 2 lines of text per page
- ......Que d'Histoires! Level 1
- ....Intermediate - Up to 6 lines of text per page
- ......Que d'Histoires! Level 2
- ......Lutin Poche Level 2
- ....Advanced - Full page of text and first Chapter Books
- ......Premières Lectures
- ......Lutin Poche Level 3
- ......Que d'Histoires! Level 3
- ......Livres et Egaux
- ......Histoires du Père Castor (Advanced)
- ....Non Fiction for beginning readers
- ......La Petite Imagerie
- ....Les Histoires du Père Castor
- ..8 - 10 yrs. pre-teen readers.
- ....Reading Level: Easy
- ....Reading Level: Moderate
- ....Reading Level: Advanced
- ....8 to 10 yrs: Non Fiction
- ......La Grande Imagerie
- ......Qui va gagner ?
- ......Le fil de l'histoire
- ....J'aime Lire
- ....La Joie de Lire 8-10 yrs.
- ....Moi et ma super bande **NEW**
- ..10 - 12 yrs. pre-teen readers.
- ....Adventures
- ....Detective Novels
- ....Fantastic / Science-Fiction / Horror
- ....Historical Fiction
- ......Romans de la Memoire
- ....Life Situations
- ....Non Fiction
- ......Discovery Education
- ....Theater / Poetry
- ..Misc. Soft Cover Albums - Regular size
- ..Misc. Soft Cover Albums - Large Format
- ..Misc. Hardcover - Small Format
- ..Hardcover Albums (Large format) - $9.95 each
- ..Folk & Fairy Tales
- ....Comptines et poèmes.
- ..Story Time Collections
- ....Le coffre a histoires
- ....La Minute du Papillon
- ....Classiques Père Castor
- ..Board Book Collections
- ....Livre très nature
- ....Livre Croque
- ..Hardcover Collections
- ....Barbapapa
- ....Juliette
- ....Caroline
- ....T'Choupi
- ....Zoé et Théo
- ....Camille
- ....Sophie et Tom (Bilingual)
- ....Belles Histoires des tout-petits
- ....Robocar
- ....Hardcover books for 6 to 8 yrs old
- ..Plaisir de Lire
- ....Plaisir de Lire : 6-7 yrs only
- ....Plaisir de Lire : 7-10 yrs only
- ..Livre de Poche Jeunesse
- ....Livre de Poche:8 - 10 yr. only
- ....Livre de Poche:10 - 12 yr. only
- ....Livre de Poche:13 yr. up only
- ..Trésor de Lecture: Must read books for children and Teens
- ....Trésor de Lecture 8 to 10 yr. only
- ....Trésor de Lecture 10+ yr. only
- Books for Teens
- ..French Books for Teenagers
- ....French novels for teenagers
- ....Adventure Novels in French for Teeanagers
- ....Detective and suspense novels in French for Teenagers
- ....Fantastic, Science-Fiction, Horror Novels in French for Teenagers
- ....Theater and Poetry in French for teenagers
- ..French Books for Young Adults
- ....Novels for Young Adults
- ....Essays - True Stories
- ....Thrillers
- ..All Teens Collections
- ....Presto
- ....Zone J
- ....Nathan Poche 13+
- ....Medium - Ecole des Loisirs
- ....Magnard Classiques & Contemporains
- ....Folio Junior 13+
- ....Pocket Jeunesse 13+ yrs.
- ....Pocket Jeunesse 12+ yrs.
- ....Belin Ado
- ....Classiques & Cie
- Books for Adults
- ..Novels for Adults
- ..Etonnants Classiques
- ..Essays - True Stories
- ..Thrillers
- ..Literary Prize Winners
- .."Classics" for adults
- ....Folio Classiques
- ..Short Books for Adults
- ..50+% OFF on Full Size French Books
- Magazines
- Books with audio
- ..Ecoute un conte: board book w/ sound
- ..Coco with CD. Boardbook - For children
- ..Les Classiques en Musique w/cd. Hardcover - For children
- ..Raconte-moi une histoire w/CD - Softcover - Large Format
- ..Clic-Ado 6 book series with CD
- ..Books/Readers with CD & Activities Children to Adult Levels
- ....100 Words - Level: A0 - Children
- ....200 Words - Level: A1 - Children
- ....300 Words - Level: A1.1 - Children
- ....400 Words - Level: A2 - Children
- ....600 Words - Level: A1 - Children & Teens
- ....800 Words - Level: A2 - Children & Teens
- ....800 Words - Level: A2 - Teens & Adults
- ....1,000 Words - Level: B1 - Teens & Adults
- ....1,800 Words - Level: B2 - Teens & Adults
- ..Book/readers + cd+ activities. Based on famous fairy tales
- Free resourcesFR
- Free Shipping ProductsFS
- Books by type
- ..Bilingual Books
- ....For children
- ....For teens and older
- ..Biographies
- .... De Vie en Vie soft cover : $5.50
- ....De Vie en Vie hard cover : $8.50
- ..Graphic Novels (BD) & Mangas
- ..Gift Ideas
- ..Learning French
- ....French Methods
- ....Cartes Jeux Maternelle
- ....Vocabulary Building
- ....Educational CD
- ....Dictionary/Reference book
- ....Educational Magazines
- ....Practice Tests Books
- ....Summer work books
- ....Bilingual Books
- ......Bilingual Board Books
- ..Theater Plays
- ..Poetry for all ages
- Books by themes
- ..America - Americans
- ..Books & Movies
- ..Bunny's selection
- ..Cat & Dogs
- ..City of Paris
- ..Civil Rights - Oppression - Immigration - Refugees
- ..Cooking
- ..Dolphins & Whales
- ..Dragons & Witches
- ..Ecology
- ..First Love & Love Forever
- ..French & International Classics
- ..Friendship
- ..Get ready for your trip to France
- ..Gifts for Women
- ..Grand Parents
- ..Halloween
- ..Holiday Season
- ..Horses & Ponies
- ..International Characters
- ....Asterix
- ....Madeleine
- ....Babar
- ....Tintin
- ....Le-Petit-Prince
- ....Le-Petit-Nicolas
- ..Music & Instruments
- ..Papa et Maman
- ..Princes & Princesses
- ..Saint Patrick's Day
- ..School
- ..Seasons & Weather
- ..Sports
- ..Suggested Reading - Award Winners
- ..Tolerance
- ..Travels
- ..True Stories
- ..US & English classics in French
- ..Vacations
- ..Wolves
- Books by price
- ..Books $5.50 or less
- ....0 to 6: La Petite Ecole - $4.65
- ....5 to 6: Je lis mes mots outils - $3.50
- ....5 to 7: M et Mme (Mr. & Little Miss) - $5.50
- ....5 to 8: Bali - $5.10
- ....5 to 8: Mini Contes - $3.70
- ....5 to 8: Mini Père Castor- $3.10+
- ....5 to 8: Pénélope - $5.50
- ....8 to 12 yrs: Voyage en page - $5.50
- ....8 to 12 yrs: Mini Syros - $4.70
- ......Paroles de Conteurs
- ......Mini Syros: Romans / Novels
- ......Mini Syros: Theatre a jouer / Theater to act
- ....8 to 12 yrs: Syros Soon - $5.50
- ....Teens to Adults: Les Classiques de Pocket
- ....Teens & Young Adults: Folio Junior - $5.50
- ....Teens to Adults: GF Classics - $5.50
- ....Teens to Adults: Librio - $5.50
- ..Special Pricing
- ....Special Pricing Books for 16+ to Adults
- ..Mark Downs
- ..Clearance Items
- Posters
- Games and Other
- ..52 cartes pour apprendre
- ..Card Games
- ..Les Incollables
- ..Trip Activities
- ..Board Games
- ..Activity Books
- ..Other
- Travel Guides
- Stationery
- ..French cards and boxed cards
- ..Gift Bags and Wraps
- Small gifts
- Other Products
- ..School Supplies
- Books by authors
- ..Adam, Olivier.
- ..Stevenson, RL
- ..Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
- ..Allance D', Mireille.
- ..Almyre, Joseph (Father)
- ..Arrou-Vignod. Jean-Philippe.
- ..Barbery, Murielle.
- ..Battut, Eric.
- ..Beigbeder, Frederic.
- ..Ben Kemoun, Hubert.
- ..Blondel, Jean-Pierre.
- ..Brisou-Pellen, Evelyne.
- ..Bussi, Michel.
- ..Cadwallader, Jane.
- ..Carle, Eric.
- ..Carrere, Emmanuel.
- ..Cauwelaert van, Didier.
- ..Chedid, Andree.
- ..Clavel, Bernard.
- ..Cole, Joanna.
- ..Daudet, Alphonse
- ..Delacourt, Gregoire.
- ..Delerm, Philippe
- ..Dr. Seuss
- ..Dugain, Marc.
- ..Dumas, Alexandre.
- ..Dumas, Pere et Fils
- ..Flaubert, Gustave.
- ..Friot, Bernard.
- ..Gaude, Laurent.
- ..Gavalda, Anna.
- ..Gounelle, Laurent.
- ..Grimbert, Philippe.
- ..Gudule
- ..Guene, Faiza.
- ..Guillaumond, Francoise.
- ..Guillemant, Dominique.
- ..Hoestlandt, Jo.
- ..Holder, Eric
- ..Hugo, Victor.
- ..La Fontaine, Jean de
- ..Lauer, Doris.
- ..Le Clezio, Jean-Marie Gustave.
- ..Levy, Marc.
- ..Lionni, Leo.
- ..London, Jack.
- ..Magdalena
- ..Mazetti, Katarina.
- ..Moliere
- ..Morgenstern, Susie.
- ..Mourlevat, Jean-Claude.
- ..Musso, Guillaume.
- ..Nogu�s, Jean-C�me
- ..Nothomb, Amelie.
- ..Pancol, Katherine.
- ..Pennac, Daniel.
- ..Pinguilly, Yves.
- ..Piquemal, Michel
- ..Pope Osborne, Mary.
- ..Sanvoisin, Eric.
- ..Saumont, Annie.
- ..Schmitt, Eric-Emmanuel.
- ..Sellier, Marie.
- ..Sempe-Goscinny
- ..Solotareff, Gregoire.
- ..Teule, Jean.
- ..Ungerer, Tomi.
- ..Vargas, Fred.
- ..Verne, Jules.
- ..Vigan de, Delphine.
- ..Rosnay de, Tatiana.
- ..Weulersse, Odile.
- Textbooks
- ..Coll. Alizé - Leveled ReadersPearson ERPI
- ..Coll. SAISON - Didier FLE
- Books for Children
- ..0 - 5 yrs. pre-readers.
- ....Books to read with an adult
- ....Learning in French
- ......Imagerie des tout-petits **NEW**
- ......Facile à Lire
- ....Games and Other
- ..6 - 7 yrs. beginning readers
- ....True Beginners - 1 or 2 lines of text per page
- ......Que d'Histoires! Level 1
- ....Intermediate - Up to 6 lines of text per page
- ......Que d'Histoires! Level 2
- ......Lutin Poche Level 2
- ....Advanced - Full page of text and first Chapter Books
- ......Premières Lectures
- ......Lutin Poche Level 3
- ......Que d'Histoires! Level 3
- ......Livres et Egaux
- ......Histoires du Père Castor (Advanced)
- ....Non Fiction for beginning readers
- ......La Petite Imagerie
- ....Les Histoires du Père Castor
- ..8 - 10 yrs. pre-teen readers.
- ....Reading Level: Easy
- ....Reading Level: Moderate
- ....Reading Level: Advanced
- ....8 to 10 yrs: Non Fiction
- ......La Grande Imagerie
- ......Qui va gagner ?
- ......Le fil de l'histoire
- ....J'aime Lire
- ....La Joie de Lire 8-10 yrs.
- ....Moi et ma super bande **NEW**
- ..10 - 12 yrs. pre-teen readers.
- ....Adventures
- ....Detective Novels
- ....Fantastic / Science-Fiction / Horror
- ....Historical Fiction
- ......Romans de la Memoire
- ....Life Situations
- ....Non Fiction
- ......Discovery Education
- ....Theater / Poetry
- ..Misc. Soft Cover Albums - Regular size
- ..Misc. Soft Cover Albums - Large Format
- ..Misc. Hardcover - Small Format
- ..Hardcover Albums (Large format) - $9.95 each
- ..Folk & Fairy Tales
- ....Comptines et poèmes.
- ..Story Time Collections
- ....Le coffre a histoires
- ....La Minute du Papillon
- ....Classiques Père Castor
- ..Board Book Collections
- ....Livre très nature
- ....Livre Croque
- ..Hardcover Collections
- ....Barbapapa
- ....Juliette
- ....Caroline
- ....T'Choupi
- ....Zoé et Théo
- ....Camille
- ....Sophie et Tom (Bilingual)
- ....Belles Histoires des tout-petits
- ....Robocar
- ....Hardcover books for 6 to 8 yrs old
- ..Plaisir de Lire
- ....Plaisir de Lire : 6-7 yrs only
- ....Plaisir de Lire : 7-10 yrs only
- ..Livre de Poche Jeunesse
- ....Livre de Poche:8 - 10 yr. only
- ....Livre de Poche:10 - 12 yr. only
- ....Livre de Poche:13 yr. up only
- ..Trésor de Lecture: Must read books for children and Teens
- ....Trésor de Lecture 8 to 10 yr. only
- ....Trésor de Lecture 10+ yr. only
- Books for Teens
- ..French Books for Teenagers
- ....French novels for teenagers
- ....Adventure Novels in French for Teeanagers
- ....Detective and suspense novels in French for Teenagers
- ....Fantastic, Science-Fiction, Horror Novels in French for Teenagers
- ....Theater and Poetry in French for teenagers
- ..French Books for Young Adults
- ....Novels for Young Adults
- ....Essays - True Stories
- ....Thrillers
- ..All Teens Collections
- ....Presto
- ....Zone J
- ....Nathan Poche 13+
- ....Medium - Ecole des Loisirs
- ....Magnard Classiques & Contemporains
- ....Folio Junior 13+
- ....Pocket Jeunesse 13+ yrs.
- ....Pocket Jeunesse 12+ yrs.
- ....Belin Ado
- ....Classiques & Cie
- Books for Adults
- ..Novels for Adults
- ..Etonnants Classiques
- ..Essays - True Stories
- ..Thrillers
- ..Literary Prize Winners
- .."Classics" for adults
- ....Folio Classiques
- ..Short Books for Adults
- ..50+% OFF on Full Size French Books
- Magazines
- Books with audio
- ..Ecoute un conte: board book w/ sound
- ..Coco with CD. Boardbook - For children
- ..Les Classiques en Musique w/cd. Hardcover - For children
- ..Raconte-moi une histoire w/CD - Softcover - Large Format
- ..Clic-Ado 6 book series with CD
- ..Books/Readers with CD & Activities Children to Adult Levels
- ....100 Words - Level: A0 - Children
- ....200 Words - Level: A1 - Children
- ....300 Words - Level: A1.1 - Children
- ....400 Words - Level: A2 - Children
- ....600 Words - Level: A1 - Children & Teens
- ....800 Words - Level: A2 - Children & Teens
- ....800 Words - Level: A2 - Teens & Adults
- ....1,000 Words - Level: B1 - Teens & Adults
- ....1,800 Words - Level: B2 - Teens & Adults
- ..Book/readers + cd+ activities. Based on famous fairy tales
- Free resourcesFR
- Free Shipping ProductsFS
- Books by type
- ..Bilingual Books
- ....For children
- ....For teens and older
- ..Biographies
- .... De Vie en Vie soft cover : $5.50
- ....De Vie en Vie hard cover : $8.50
- ..Graphic Novels (BD) & Mangas
- ..Gift Ideas
- ..Learning French
- ....French Methods
- ....Cartes Jeux Maternelle
- ....Vocabulary Building
- ....Educational CD
- ....Dictionary/Reference book
- ....Educational Magazines
- ....Practice Tests Books
- ....Summer work books
- ....Bilingual Books
- ......Bilingual Board Books
- ..Theater Plays
- ..Poetry for all ages
- Books by themes
- ..America - Americans
- ..Books & Movies
- ..Bunny's selection
- ..Cat & Dogs
- ..City of Paris
- ..Civil Rights - Oppression - Immigration - Refugees
- ..Cooking
- ..Dolphins & Whales
- ..Dragons & Witches
- ..Ecology
- ..First Love & Love Forever
- ..French & International Classics
- ..Friendship
- ..Get ready for your trip to France
- ..Gifts for Women
- ..Grand Parents
- ..Halloween
- ..Holiday Season
- ..Horses & Ponies
- ..International Characters
- ....Asterix
- ....Madeleine
- ....Babar
- ....Tintin
- ....Le-Petit-Prince
- ....Le-Petit-Nicolas
- ..Music & Instruments
- ..Papa et Maman
- ..Princes & Princesses
- ..Saint Patrick's Day
- ..School
- ..Seasons & Weather
- ..Sports
- ..Suggested Reading - Award Winners
- ..Tolerance
- ..Travels
- ..True Stories
- ..US & English classics in French
- ..Vacations
- ..Wolves
- Books by price
- ..Books $5.50 or less
- ....0 to 6: La Petite Ecole - $4.65
- ....5 to 6: Je lis mes mots outils - $3.50
- ....5 to 7: M et Mme (Mr. & Little Miss) - $5.50
- ....5 to 8: Bali - $5.10
- ....5 to 8: Mini Contes - $3.70
- ....5 to 8: Mini Père Castor- $3.10+
- ....5 to 8: Pénélope - $5.50
- ....8 to 12 yrs: Voyage en page - $5.50
- ....8 to 12 yrs: Mini Syros - $4.70
- ......Paroles de Conteurs
- ......Mini Syros: Romans / Novels
- ......Mini Syros: Theatre a jouer / Theater to act
- ....8 to 12 yrs: Syros Soon - $5.50
- ....Teens to Adults: Les Classiques de Pocket
- ....Teens & Young Adults: Folio Junior - $5.50
- ....Teens to Adults: GF Classics - $5.50
- ....Teens to Adults: Librio - $5.50
- ..Special Pricing
- ....Special Pricing Books for 16+ to Adults
- ..Mark Downs
- ..Clearance Items
- Posters
- Games and Other
- ..52 cartes pour apprendre
- ..Card Games
- ..Les Incollables
- ..Trip Activities
- ..Board Games
- ..Activity Books
- ..Other
- Travel Guides
- Stationery
- ..French cards and boxed cards
- ..Gift Bags and Wraps
- Small gifts
- Other Products
- ..School Supplies
- Books by authors
- ..Adam, Olivier.
- ..Stevenson, RL
- ..Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
- ..Allance D', Mireille.
- ..Almyre, Joseph (Father)
- ..Arrou-Vignod. Jean-Philippe.
- ..Barbery, Murielle.
- ..Battut, Eric.
- ..Beigbeder, Frederic.
- ..Ben Kemoun, Hubert.
- ..Blondel, Jean-Pierre.
- ..Brisou-Pellen, Evelyne.
- ..Bussi, Michel.
- ..Cadwallader, Jane.
- ..Carle, Eric.
- ..Carrere, Emmanuel.
- ..Cauwelaert van, Didier.
- ..Chedid, Andree.
- ..Clavel, Bernard.
- ..Cole, Joanna.
- ..Daudet, Alphonse
- ..Delacourt, Gregoire.
- ..Delerm, Philippe
- ..Dr. Seuss
- ..Dugain, Marc.
- ..Dumas, Alexandre.
- ..Dumas, Pere et Fils
- ..Flaubert, Gustave.
- ..Friot, Bernard.
- ..Gaude, Laurent.
- ..Gavalda, Anna.
- ..Gounelle, Laurent.
- ..Grimbert, Philippe.
- ..Gudule
- ..Guene, Faiza.
- ..Guillaumond, Francoise.
- ..Guillemant, Dominique.
- ..Hoestlandt, Jo.
- ..Holder, Eric
- ..Hugo, Victor.
- ..La Fontaine, Jean de
- ..Lauer, Doris.
- ..Le Clezio, Jean-Marie Gustave.
- ..Levy, Marc.
- ..Lionni, Leo.
- ..London, Jack.
- ..Magdalena
- ..Mazetti, Katarina.
- ..Moliere
- ..Morgenstern, Susie.
- ..Mourlevat, Jean-Claude.
- ..Musso, Guillaume.
- ..Nogu�s, Jean-C�me
- ..Nothomb, Amelie.
- ..Pancol, Katherine.
- ..Pennac, Daniel.
- ..Pinguilly, Yves.
- ..Piquemal, Michel
- ..Pope Osborne, Mary.
- ..Sanvoisin, Eric.
- ..Saumont, Annie.
- ..Schmitt, Eric-Emmanuel.
- ..Sellier, Marie.
- ..Sempe-Goscinny
- ..Solotareff, Gregoire.
- ..Teule, Jean.
- ..Ungerer, Tomi.
- ..Vargas, Fred.
- ..Verne, Jules.
- ..Vigan de, Delphine.
- ..Rosnay de, Tatiana.
- ..Weulersse, Odile.